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发表于 2003-2-26 10:37:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
http://www.eachnet.com/fu/product/single.php?ssPageName=PayStoreLots&product_id=22911625 这把吉他应该相当不错,因为我买过他的HC16,1500圆,我觉得比CG-18要好,价钱却便宜多了。
发表于 2003-2-26 15:40:00 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2003-3-8 23:22:00 | 显示全部楼层
sorry for english,my computer has some mistakes. i bought this guitar 4 months ago as a gift to my guitar teacher. you ought to know that i am just a university student,and i am always as poor as a church mouse:}.so it is really an adventure for me to buy this guitar in the internet.but when i got the instrument, my worry disppeared.the guitar was much better than i had thought.her apearance was beatiful,and the handcraft was careful and acurate.and the martierals are the best at this price.her voice is also very nice:the bass is deep ,and the tre is bright(sorry , i can not describle it in details).i have a concerto CG16 guitar,and i also saw several CG18 guitars.comparing to these guitars, the HC16 is fairly better.according to her price,its quiality is quite good.so if you have 1500 yuan or more,i think you should think about it. you will not regret. here is an e-mail the seller sent to me : 黎先生,你好! 很高兴你选中了我店货号为HC16的古典吉他。 这把琴是郭煜龙先生监制的手工琴,之所以称之为手工琴是因为其琴头安装是西班牙式的从琴颈延伸到音箱内,这种装头方式只能手工安装(从音孔内可以看到琴头延伸进音箱内的部分),音色较C16也有提高。 郭先生现在开了家小工厂,有几个徒弟,有些部分也用机械来做,一个月能出300把左右。不象他以前一个人在家里全手工做,所以价格比以前低很多。给我的是批量出口价,价钱就更便宜了。我在网上直销省了店租,税金,卖得便宜也就可想而知了。 这把琴是精选云杉单板面板,玫瑰木合板背侧板,网状音梁,是他徒弟做的,所以便宜。郭先生亲做的全单板琴和网状碳纤维加强超薄音板琴要卖6000元(仿澳大利亚吉他制作大师SMALLMAN的琴结构)。在这次10月2-6日在广州举办的全国古典吉他大奖赛上,郭先生的琴被组委会选为古典吉他独奏,重奏冠军用琴。 协奏CG18我在上海知音琴行里看过一把,标价2580元。毕竟是工厂琴,面板选材,油漆处理都不如我的HC16精致,弦与指板的距离也偏高。这是从外表来比较,我的HC16已略胜一筹;至于音色,我试弹了一下,就我个人感觉来说音色不见得比我的HC16好。当然当时我并没有带着那把HC16,不能当场直接比较音色,只能凭感觉和记忆。希望你收到琴后能在安静的环境里仔细比较一下两者的音色,给我一个客观的评价。 我和郭先生想做中国最好的古典吉他品牌,在性价比上也要做到超值。目前国内品牌如红棉,星辰的品质都不能与郭先生的琴相提并论。协奏的琴至少在性价比上也是不能与我们比的。 请放心,我的吉他盒是加厚的5层牛皮瓦楞纸,琴再包上泡泡塑料薄膜,衬泡沫塑料,绝对牢固。邮寄时我会保价,若有遗失邮局会赔的。 琴套80元/只,邮寄费约20元,合计1600元可以全部搞定。 我的建行龙卡号:4367 4212 1767 4080 635 曹颖 款到立即发货。 我希望能与你建立长期合作关系。 the seller is a nice and warm-hearted man,i believe he is an person you can trust. to peter: the seller sent me an catalogue of its guitars and other music instruments.he said his guitar has refer to the SMALLMAN design.and he also said the highest type is just about 6000 yuan!!! i was so surprised about this.if you are intersested about his guitar,please send me you address and phone number that i can send the catalogue to you. in addition ,the guitar is much more beatiful than the photo.
发表于 2003-3-16 16:46:00 | 显示全部楼层
Can I have his contact too? (I am at andrewt@cisco.com) Sounds interesting for a beginer guitar. I have heard b4 abt the China Smallman-copy guitar, but have not seen one myself. Thanks. Andrew
 楼主| 发表于 2003-3-18 13:01:00 | 显示全部楼层
ok!! her mobile phone number:13918476376 good luck!!
发表于 2003-3-18 22:21:00 | 显示全部楼层
Thank you. Does she have an email? Andrew
发表于 2003-9-24 20:05:00 | 显示全部楼层
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