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发表于 2003-2-19 09:57:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
訂價尚未知~~剛寫過信問環球唱片的經理alex先生~~他昨天答給我產品價格。舒柏特的吉他與小提琴二重奏是2003年推出的~~ [upload=jpg]uploadImages/20032199542795470.jpg[/upload][upload=jpg]uploadImages/20032199544259924.jpg[/upload]
发表于 2003-2-19 10:17:00 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2003-2-19 10:47:00 | 显示全部楼层
以下是引用maer在2003-2-19 10:16:31的发言: 我想,你应该对演奏家作一个介绍。
deccaclassics公司旗下的吉他演奏家有兩位~~一位是Göran Söllscher 另一位是yapes Göran Söllscher1955年出生在瑞典~~按英文原版介紹: Göran Söllscher was born in 1955 in Växjö (Sweden). He grew up in Kalmar on the east coast of Sweden and started to play the guitar at the age of seven. After his musical education, including studies at the Malmö Conservatory and at the Royal Conservatory of Copenhagen, Göran Söllscher embarked on an international career after winning the first prize at the "Concours Internationale de Guitare" in Paris, in 1978. Göran Söllscher has since toured Europe, North and South America, China, Japan and Scandinavia extensively as a recitalist and as soloist with leading orchestras. He performs regularly with all major Scandinavian orchestras, and has played with the Japan Philharmonic, the Camerata Bern, the English Chamber Orchestra, the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra in London and the Chamber Orchestra of Europe under conductors such as Claudio Abbado, Rafael Frühbeck de Burgos, Alexander Gibson, Sixten Ehrling, Woldemar Nelsson and Esa-Pekka Salonen. Göran Söllscher regularly makes concert tours in Japan. In October 1991 Göran Söllscher was honoured to take part in the "International Hommage to Joaquín Rodrigo" celebrating the composer’s 90th birthday in Madrid. The "International Hommage" production was later also performed in Puerto Rico. Göran Söllscher’s repertoire is exceptionally wide, ranging from Renaissance music through all well-known standard concertos for guitar and orchestra to contemporary music, often written especially for him. His recording activities with Deutsche Grammophon extend back to the early 80s. Until today, he has made sixteen solo recordings including a prestigious complete box of J.S. Bach’s works for lute. In 1990 appeared his recording of three major works for guitar and orchestra, Rodrigo's "Concierto de Aranjuez", "Fantasía para un gentilhombre" and Villa-Lobos' Guitar Concerto, with the Orpheus Chamber Orchestra in New York. In 1994, his duo-recording together with Gil Shaham "Paganini for Two" was listed among the ten best-selling classical albums in the USA (Billboard Magazine). This was followed by "Here, There and Everywhere" – a CD with music by The Beatles arranged for solo guitar. 1996 saw the release of another duo album, with the French flautist Patrick Gallois, playing music by Astor Piazzolla. His latest CD includes music by The Beatles in arrangements for solo guitar as well as for guitar and string orchestra. For some years now Göran Söllscher has held Sweden’s sole professorship in guitar playing and he frequently appears on Swedish and international radio and television
发表于 2003-2-19 11:04:00 | 显示全部楼层
以下是引用木心在2003-2-19 9:57:04的发言: 訂價尚未知~~剛寫過信問環球唱片的經理alex先生~~他昨天答給我產品價格。舒柏特的吉他與小提琴二重奏是2003年推出的~~ [upload=jpg]uploadImages/20032199542795470.jpg[/upload][upload=jpg]uploadImages/20032199544259924.jpg[/upload]
我先订一张Schubert for two,这两位演奏家以前合作过,录制的是Paganini for Two,录音质量很好,只是吉他的声音太小了。
发表于 2003-2-19 13:55:00 | 显示全部楼层
我好象有他的录音带,10多年前买的。对照上面的介绍,应该是90年的录音,包含了罗德里戈的协奏曲作品和其他一些独奏曲(好象有“恰空”)。那是我第一次听到完整的"Concierto de Aranjuez",反复听了无数次,真是迷人啊!但独奏曲似乎略显平淡。 我记得当时的磁带封面上他好象拿的是十弦吉他,记不太清了,回去找找。
 楼主| 发表于 2003-2-19 14:40:00 | 显示全部楼层
以下是引用maer在2003-2-19 13:55:06的发言: 我好象有他的录音带,10多年前买的。对照上面的介绍,应该是90年的录音,包含了罗德里戈的协奏曲作品和其他一些独奏曲(好象有“恰空”)。那是我第一次听到完整的"Concierto de Aranjuez",反复听了无数次,真是迷人啊!但独奏曲似乎略显平淡。 我记得当时的磁带封面上他好象拿的是十弦吉他,记不太清了,回去找找。
我有資料的~~那張拿著十弦吉他的唱片~~ Bach: Cello Suite no.1 in G major BWV 1007 (transp.: in E flat major) Guitar Göran Söllscher Bach: Cello Suite no.2 in D minor BWV 1008 (transp.: in G minor) Guitar Göran Söllscher Bach: Sonata for Violin no.3 in C major BWV 1005 (transp.: in B flat major) Guitar Göran Söllscher Bach: Cello Suite no.6 in D major BWV 1012 (Sarabande and Gavotte, transp.: in E flat major) Guitar Göran Söllscher [upload=jpg]uploadImages/200321914375154236.jpg[/upload]
发表于 2003-2-19 15:12:00 | 显示全部楼层
Goran Sollscher   格兰索尔泽尔一九五五年出生于瑞典的卡马。七岁跟随强生(Pre-Olof Johnson)教授学习古典吉他,后来进入马尔摩音乐学院学习,正式拜师强生教授,并在哥本哈根的丹麦皇家音乐学院学习吉他独奏。一九七三年,他在卡马举办第一场公开音乐会,一九七五年首度出现在瑞典电视台。   一九七八年,索尔泽尔第一次在首都斯德哥尔摩演出,同年获得巴黎二十世纪“Concours International De Guitarre” 首奖。得奖后。索尔泽尔先后在欧洲、南北美洲、中国大陆、日本、北欧等地举办独奏音乐会,或与当地一流的乐团合作演出协奏曲。   一九九一年十月,索尔泽尔应邀参加在马德里举行的庆祝罗德里戈九十岁生日的“向罗德里戈致敬”的活动。九四年春天,索尔泽尔在东京、大阪、横滨举办为期三个月的个人音乐会。   索尔泽尔在八十年代早期为主名唱片公司DG(宝丽金集团旗下的世界著名唱片公司,为这家公司录制古典吉他唱片的古典演奏家不多,包括叶佩斯、索尔泽尔、贝伦德等)录制了第一张唱片,这张唱片为索尔泽尔夺得八一年瑞典唱片大奖以及德国唱片大奖。接下来的唱片包括巴赫鲁特琴独奏曲全集,改编巴赫无伴奏大提琴组曲、文艺复兴到现代的乐曲选集,以及大量的协奏曲。   索尔泽尔演奏的吉他有两种类型,一种是传统的六弦吉他,另一种是特殊的十一弦吉他。他的演奏风格典雅、严谨,富有生机,音色明亮具有穿透力。他演奏的巴赫作品广受好评,被尊为经典演绎。他演奏的小品也极富魅力。 我个人收藏的他的唱片有: GS-01  格兰 索尔  帕格尼尼小提琴与吉他奏鸣曲   GS-02  格兰 索尔  卡伐蒂娜、樱花、爱的罗曼斯、圣诞颂等著名吉他小品集   GS-03  格兰 索尔  绿袖子、巴赫“恰空”等吉他名曲(企鹅三星带花)   GS-04  格兰 索尔  索尔-吉他幻想曲、魔笛主题变奏曲等   GS-05  格兰 索尔  巴赫:组曲、奏鸣曲 BWV1007/1008/1012/1005   GS-06  格兰 索尔  巴赫:四首鲁特琴组曲 BWV996/997/995/1006a   GS-07  格兰 索尔  演奏披头士的音乐(古典吉他改编曲)   GS-08  格兰 索尔  演奏著名的吉他协奏曲   GS-09  格兰 索尔  吉他与长笛的探戈舞曲   GS-10  格兰 索尔  演奏DOWLAND,SOR,BARRIOS,PONCE等的作品。   GS-11  格兰 索尔  **PRELUDES/SONGS/HOMAGES   GS-12  格兰 索尔  From Yesterday to Penny Lane (Plays The Beatles And George Martin)
发表于 2003-2-19 15:21:00 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2003-2-19 15:24:00 | 显示全部楼层
以下是引用maer在2003-2-19 15:21:17的发言: 我数了一下,确实是十一根琴弦。
发表于 2003-2-20 02:21:00 | 显示全部楼层
以下是引用maer在2003-2-19 13:55:06的发言: 我好象有他的录音带,10多年前买的。对照上面的介绍,应该是90年的录音,包含了罗德里戈的协奏曲作品和其他一些独奏曲(好象有“恰空”)。那是我第一次听到完整的"Concierto de Aranjuez",反复听了无数次,真是迷人啊!但独奏曲似乎略显平淡。 我记得当时的磁带封面上他好象拿的是十弦吉他,记不太清了,回去找找。
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